As I write this, the weather reporters on TV are going nuts, the storm warning radio in the bedroom is honking and they're talking about possible hail - quarter-sized hail ... so I got to thinking ... how many sizes are there of hail and is there an "official" chart?
Yep, there is: NOAA, the National Old Aardvark's Association (or whatever NOAA stands for) says THIS is the official list:
NOAA Chart
Hail Size Chart
Hail Dia....Description
1/2"........Plain M&M
1 1/4"......Half Dollar
1 1/2"......Walnut/Ping Pong Ball
1 3/4"......Golf Ball
2"...........Hen Egg/Lime (I thought hail was round)
2 1/2.......Tennis Ball
2 3/4"......Baseball
3"...........Teacup/Large Apple
4 1/2"......Softball
4 3/4"- 5"..Computer CD-DVD
Then there's a not so official list:
Hail Dia....Description
0.10".......bb ball bearing size hail
0.25".......booger size hail
0.50".......rabbit turd size hail
0.75".......horse fly size hail
1.00".......prune size hail
1.50".......eyeball size hail
2.00".......raw oyster size hail
3.00".......stink bomb size hail
4.00".......fat mouse size hail
5.00+"......cow patty size hail
Someone else already did what I was trying to do:
http://www.chiprowe.com/articles/hail.htmlI found so many variations on hail sizes I gave up on this article and switched over to YouTube. I wouldn't blame you if you left here now and did the same thing. I'll save you the time, just click here: