Somebody stole two of our bonsai trees late Friday night or early Saturday morning. Obviously the dumb shit didn't know what he/she was doing because there are two $1000 trees sitting on the stand and several $300-$400. Monetarily, the two stolen trees were worth about $20 TOTAL. As a matter of fact, he/she left the pots ... the pot on the left was worth 3 times more than the tree and is a hand-made, signed, Tokoname pot. Brilliant thief.
I'm considering nailing a sign on the stand saying, "Oops! You missed the good ones. Come back to get them ... come on .. I want you to meet my friend Mo (short for Mossberg). Mo wants to have a little chat with you. And I'm a black belt and would just LOVE to play tag with you."
I raised the one on the right (amur maple seedling) from a little seed. I'd been growing it for three years and it would have been another 5 years before I began any real work on it.
So basically, that person stole two of my babies. I get REAL angry when anyone messes with my kids, human or plant.
Be watching for me on the news. Yes, I do really stupid things when protecting my family or property.